Camelot Games
Dear Curious Readers,
The Wild Rose Press released Camelot Games, in April 2015.
A meteoric career awaits the dynamic son and lovely daughter of California field workers. Winning election after election, the kingmaker proclaims the time is right and the sky’s the limit. Cast in the image of John and Jacqueline Kennedy’s bygone era come hints of the nation’s first Latino presidency.
Just when life seems most promising, the senator’s beautiful aide goes missing. Rumors abound. Storm clouds darken personal horizons while three thousand miles away, an unwitting fisherman stumbles upon her pregnant corpse. The media whips speculation into accusation just as the senator’s plane goes missing.
As revelations drive conjecture, the country’s electrical grid comes under a furious hacker attack. But from whom? Words of the absent senator’s warning prove prophetic when the nation plunges into a chaos that threatens a second and far uglier American Civil War.