Area 51 and the Reading Club

I have the privilege of belonging to a reading club in my local area. A dozen or more very nice, and very smart people belong. During a lively discussion of The Martian by Andy Weir, someone asked the question if there really was an Area 51. If so, they wondered, do they keep alien corpses under lock and key.

Because of some former professional relationships, and my big mouth, they eventually looked at me as if I’d have an answer. I’d been to Tonopah and the arsenals out in the desert. I’d even been to an old closed down air force landing field (but that’s another story), but I’d never been to Area 51.

Like everyone with a bent toward mysteries and mayhem, I’ve often wondered the same thing myself. I do recall, my mother, a “senior” at the time, took a trip to Roswell. She'd recently broken her ankle tying to leap the net after a tennis match, so she hobbled a bit. When it appeared she’d have trouble with the hike (crutches and cast, mind you), some rough looking desert types put her in a lawn chair and carried her down the hill. All this comes to me second hand of course, although admittedly I never asked how she made it back up the hill and out of there. She’s gone now, and I suppose that’ll remain just another Area 51 mystery.

A former, senior scientist at Lockheed Martin is said to claim aliens and UFOs do in fact inhabit Area 51, albeit dead ones. He has or had the pictures to prove it. Here’s a link and you can decide for yourself:

Openminds Blog

If not, how about a quote from the article posted in this most interesting blog: “Boyd Bushman worked as an engineer for over forty years, and before retirement, worked as a senior scientist for Lockheed Martin. Over the years he has done several interviews about his interest in antigravity technology, and has increasingly alluded to having secret knowledge about UFOs." You can catch some You Tube interviews done in 2014.

Weir’s The Martian has nothing to do with Area 51. The book and the movie with Matt Damon is grand fiction, and a superb tale. I can't help but think it interesting that we find great stories right in our own reading clubs ... and our backyards.

All my best - Ollie



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